【同义词辨析】 2020-03-11 不愿disinclined-averse

disinclined: implies lack of taste for or inclination toward something and may imply disapproval: ~d to go out in bad weather.   taste喜欢合口味感兴趣implies a specific liking or interest, whether nature or acquired,如had a taste for music喜欢音乐,如you and I have different tastes你我喜好不同)  (inclination倾向意愿implies a tendency to favor one of two or more actions or conclusions,如inclined to do nothing for the moment倾向于现在什么都不做,如she had neither the time nor the inclination to help them她既没有时间也不愿意帮他们,如you must follow your own inclinations when choosing a career你必须按照自己的意愿选择职业,如savage inclinations野蛮倾向,incline和tend互释

hesitant: implies a holding back through fear, uncertainty, or disinclination: ~ about asking her for a date.   (to hold back有3个意思,1、阻碍阻挡抑制to prevent,如stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery房屋销售的停滞不前正阻碍着经济复苏,如she kept trying to hold back her tears她一直在试图抑制住眼泪   2、犹豫不决to hesitate,如the administration had several reasons for holding back政府因为几个原因而犹豫不决 3、隐瞒to withhold information,如you seem to be holding something back你好像隐瞒了点什么)

reluctant: implies a holding back through resistance or unwillingness: I'm ~ to blame anyone just now.

loath: implies lack of harmony between what one anticipates doing and one's opinions, predilections, or liking: ~ to believe that he could do anything right.     本例loath加e变成动词后程度变重,loath只是表示不喜欢to dislike; lack of harmony between,如she was loath to admit her mistakes她不愿承认错误;但loathe表示"非常"不喜欢甚至愤恨to hate very much,如she loathes him她强烈厌恶他,或她他   predilections强烈喜欢strong liking

averse: implies a turning away from what is distasteful or unwelcome: seems ~ to anything requiring work.

disinclined不愿: 表示不喜欢倾向,或不赞成,hesitant犹豫: 指由于担心不确定不喜欢犹豫不决,reluctant勉强: 指由于抵触不愿意,loath厌恶: 指违背自身观点喜好,averse厌恶: 指躲避排斥自己不喜欢不欢迎的

记忆方法: 1)首字母DHRLA重组成DR HLA海澜医生<=不愿          ""从心原声,本义是"泉眼水源",原和心联用表示"本初的念头",或"开始的想法",即心愿愿望,如夙愿志愿如愿宁愿,另外有"乡愿"这个词,子曰: "乡愿,德之贼也!",特指当时社会上那种不分是非,同于流俗,处处讨好,不得罪乡里,以"忠厚老实"为人称道的"老好人、好好先生"。   ""的古字像一个人站着,睁大眼睛远望的样子,本义指"向远处高处看";由本义引申出"期望希望";还表示"拜访"如看望探望,和"名声"如望族名望德高望众

         2)不愿的意思是不想做某事mean lacking the will or desire to do something indicated.